junho 20, 2009

Este video é tão machista e chauvinista, mas eu acho que está engraçado :)
Keep an open mind, ladies.

junho 16, 2009

O que é um "Douchebag"?
Não sei a tradução literal, mas será, tipo, "Bimbo"?

Seja o que for, acho que tenho encontrado alguns ultimamente...
um bom exemplo é o senhor no meu ginásio que grunhe quando levanta peso e usa t-shirt com o logotipo Rock In Rio, cidade de Kabul assinalada e uma fotografia do Osaba Bin Laden nas costas, com a frase "Eu Vou".
Apercebi-me também que os bimbos andam aos pares, já que o senhor estava acompanhado pelo seu colega de puxar peso, cujos olhos praticamente saltavam das órbitas quando levantava a barra.

Algumas características comuns que notei esta espécie, particularmente após ter consultado alguma videografia cibernética sobre o assunto:
- Obsessão pelo físico, que acarreta obsessão pela roupa para mostrar o físico, e geralmente o tipo de roupa que Cristino Ronaldo usaria - NOTA: Homens adultos não devem usar camisas XS
- Penteado que requer duas horas de preparação e manutenção diária - Gel é um modo de vida, não apenas um produto capilar
- Óculos de sol, preferencialmente com armação branca, que podem ser usados indoor e à noite - Versatilidade!
- Bronze, de preferência falso e com tonalidade laranja intensa - Irresistível para as fêmeas!
- Falsa noção de super pujança com o sexo oposto - Baseada claramente numa insegurança latente, causada, sei lá, por tiny genitalia?
- Existe alguma associação com o Tunning, pois o Douche Mobile não pode ser igual a qualquer carro que por ai ande - A propósito, hoje vi um Nissan Micra cor de rosa choque, com saias e aileron... JURO!

Fica aqui um video demonstrando um deathmatch de bimbalhada, e um link para aquele que será provavelmente o meu programa preferido da MTV, DE SEMPRE!


junho 10, 2009

Oh Céus... Isto parece completamente retirado da minha vida.
Ah, e do THE ONION, claro :)
Carta de uma miúda para um jovem que ficou encurralado na "Friend Zone".

But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship Where I Ask You To Do Things And You Do Them

I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well, I don't really see a relationship in our future. It would be terrible if we let sex destroy this great friendship we have where I get everything I want and you get nothing you want. Don't you think?

I knew you would understand. You always do.

We're so perfect as friends, you know? I can tell you anything, and you know you can always come to me anytime you need to hear me bitch about work or how ugly I feel. You wouldn't want to ruin a friendship like that just so you could be my boyfriend, and have me look at you with desire and longing in my eyes, if only once—would you? Of course not. Well, if we started dating, it would only complicate this wonderful setup I've got going here.

It's just…you're like my best friend, and I would hate for something you desperately want to change that. I mean, sure, we could go on some dates, maybe mess around a little and finally validate the six years you've spent languishing in this platonic nightmare, but then what? How could we ever go back to the way we were, where I take advantage of your clear attraction to me so I can have someone at my beck and call? That part of our friendship means so much to me.

No. We are just destined to be really, really good friends who only hang out when I don't have a boyfriend, but still need male attention to boost my fragile and all-consuming ego.

Anything can happen once you bring romance in. Think about how awful my last relationship was at the end, remember? The guy I'd call you crying about at 3 a.m. because he wouldn't answer my texts? The guy I met at the birthday party you threw me? I had insanely passionate sex with him for four months and now we don't even talk anymore. God, I would die if something like that happened to us.

Plus, ick, can you even imagine getting naked in front of each other? I've known you so long, you're more like a brother that I've drunkenly made out with twice and never mentioned again. It'd be way too weird. And if we did, then whenever you'd come shopping with me, or go to one of my performances or charity events, or take me for ice cream when I've had a bad day at work, you'd be looking at me like, "I've seen her breasts." God, I can't think of anything more awkward that that.

Oh, before I forget, my mom says hi.

Anyway, you would totally hate me as your girlfriend. I'd be all needy and dramatic and slowly growing to love you. If I was your girlfriend, I would never be able to tell you all about the other asshole guys I date and pretend I don't see how much it crushes you. Let's never lose that. That's what makes us us.

Don't worry. You're so funny and smart and amazing, any girl but me would be lucky to date you. You'll find someone, I know it. And when you do, I'll be right by your side to suddenly become all flirty and affectionate with you in front of her, until she grows jealous and won't believe it when you say we're just friends. But when she dumps you, that's just what we'll be.

Best friends. Friends forever!

junho 09, 2009